Between Flashing Light and Real Talk

Disclaimer: This post was written back when the writer was 18 years old. There is no guarantee that all of the opinions written here are still true to this day. Let’s say, I’m still in the middle of UAS –last term test? I don’t know what it is called in english though. That being said, I have no power to write anything with satisfying quality. But I am fond of the newest public service announcement (last time I checked, it’s basically translated as Iklan Layanan Masyarakat). I think it’s from Singapore. Please correct me if I’m wrong. The thing that makes me want to nod in agreement is, I’d be totally verily okay if people take time to admonish me kindly if I ever forgot to pay attention around. Hello, I’m a mere human whose sensitivity should be questioned since I often lost in my world –not in my gadget (bruh, playing with your gadget in public place is dangerous). What is not okay is, if I make a mistake and instead of warn me, people go as far as snap my picture and then post in...